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Streamlining Cloud Security and AWS LandingZone Deployment

At VividCloud, we understand the critical importance of laying a strong foundation for cloud adoption while ensuring robust security measures are in place. In this comprehensive blog post, we’ll explore how VividCloud’s innovative approach to AWS Landing Zone deployment, automated remediation, and Service Control Policies (SCPs) empowers organizations to establish a secure and efficient cloud environment.

Why AWS Landing Zone Matters

Before deploying software and services on AWS, it’s crucial to establish a well-architected foundation. AWS Landing Zone provides a framework for creating a secure, scalable, and operationally efficient multi-account environment based on AWS best practices and security standards. By defining the account structure, network configuration, security controls, and identity and access management (IAM) policies upfront, organizations can ensure consistency, compliance, and governance across their AWS resources.

VividCloud’s Automated Landing Zone Deployment

At VividCloud, we’ve developed tooling to automate the creation of an initial Landing Zone, making the process almost fully automated. Leveraging scripts and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, we enable organizations to quickly and efficiently establish a secure AWS environment tailored to their specific requirements.

Enhanced Security Structure and Automated Remediation

One of the key highlights of our Landing Zone solution is the implementation of a robust security structure. Our solution ensures that only resources that adhere to standard security guidelines, such as Well Architected Framework (WAF), HIPAA, and SOC2 compliance, are deployed. By enabling Security Hub and configuring a delegated administrative account with central AWS Config recording, organizations gain immediate visibility into their security posture and can proactively address any issues.

Additionally, VividCloud has designed and implemented remediation actions that can swiftly respond to any evidence of non-compliance with our customers’ security posture. By leveraging automation, organizations can ensure that any deviations from established security standards are promptly addressed, minimizing the risk of security breaches or vulnerabilities.

Empowering Software Engineering with Flexibility and Governance

We understand the diverse toolkit that software engineering teams rely on, from scripting languages to infrastructure as code (IaC) tools like Terraform and CloudFormation. Our approach allows software engineering teams to use the tools and methodologies that best suit their needs while maintaining a security posture aligned with the customer’s principles. Whether it’s compiling code, deploying infrastructure, or configuring systems with Ansible, VividCloud ensures that security is not compromised in the process.

Service Control Policies (SCPs) play a pivotal role in governing what automated pipelines or developers can push into the cloud manually. VividCloud helps organizations define and enforce SCPs to limit the actions that can be performed within their AWS environment, ensuring adherence to security and compliance standards. By implementing SCPs, organizations can prevent unintended changes or configurations that may introduce security risks.


In conclusion, VividCloud’s integrated approach to AWS Landing Zone deployment, automated remediation, and Service Control Policies empowers organizations to maintain a robust security posture while streamlining their cloud adoption journey. By combining flexibility for software engineering teams with governance through SCPs and leveraging the Well-Architected Framework, VividCloud enables organizations to achieve a balance between security and agility. Contact us today to learn more about how VividCloud can help you streamline your cloud security and accelerate your digital transformation journey.